Human experience architect




The Business of Extraordinairy experiences - Immersive and Corona, 2020

Season 5 Magic: Being at awe with the world - Catching the next wave podcast, 2020


Pim locks people up in “his” Escape-rooms - Metro, Amsterdam 2017

After the escape-room now The break-in experience by Sherlocked - De Wereld Draait Door, Amsterdam 2016

Wilddineren gives diners a one-off culinary night out - Frame magazine 2015

Something different: eating on a culinary platform - Het Parool 2016

The Makers Amsterdam; featuring Pim Schachtschabel & Victor van Doorn - Made in Amsterdam 2016

Startup with potential - NRC, Amsterdam 2016

Royal Design for the King of The Netherlands - Architectuur NL 2013

Dining on the toilet - Amsterdam FM